

About the Show

Emperor Hadrian is well known for his eponymous wall. Seventy miles long, it was a prodigious feat and remains one of the greatest physical remnants of the Roman Empire. But in reality, the wall was nothing more than a sideshow to the main event. In this fascinating historical documentary, historian Dan Snow follows in the footsteps of the Emperor, from Northumberland to North Africa, from Jerusalem to Rome, and discovers one of the most powerful and enigmatic rulers and characters in world history. Overtly gay, a philosopher, poet and flautist, he was also a brilliant military strategist and ruthless commander of his legions. With his Greek intellect and Roman engineering skills, Hadrian set about physically ring-fencing and consolidating the entire empire. For better - and often for worse - he helped to define the world we know, leaving a legacy that is still marvelled at today.