6 Feb
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17 Feb
18 Feb
The Sketchbook. Stolen Objects. Little White House. Hoss's Gallows. Roma Portraits. Double Portrait. Part 3 of 5.
Elizabeth I is dead and King James of Scotland travels south to take the throne at the invitation of Robert Cecil. Meanwhile, John Gerard, a Catholic priest who has dedicated his life to the destruction of the Protestant state that developed in Elizabeth's England, has escaped and made contact with a splinter cell in the Catholic underground containing an extremist called Guy Fawkes, who has a plan to blow up parliament with the king inside. Part 3 of 3. Ⓢ
Discover how Line Siegfried and Line Maginot protected Germany and France during World War II using modern technologies. A fight between the two most sophisticated defence systems at the time.
The Business Of War: With help from large corporations inside and outside of Germany, the Nazis had conquered much of Europe—and even their victims would be turned into profit. Part 3 of 4.
Paul Murton travels by train from the foot of Ben Nevis to the fabled Isle of Skye. Part 3 of 6.